
About The Fantasy Playbook (Elite FL)

I’m Ayanlola Femi, but you can call me Cypher – a nickname that’s stuck with me through the years. Armed with a degree from the University of Ilorin, I’m currently diving headfirst into my second degree at Osun State University, eager to explore new horizons and expand my knowledge.

Sports have been an integral part of my life since I could kick a ball. From the tender age of 5, I’ve been chasing after footballs and conquering virtual sports arenas. As a die-hard Manchester United fan, my heart races with excitement every time the team takes the field. But nothing quite matches the exhilaration of that UEFA Champions League final in 2008, when Manchester United and Chelsea clashed in a battle that ended with a triumphant victory for my beloved United.

When I’m not absorbed in the world of academics or sports, you’ll find me indulging in a few of my favorite pastimes. Recreational sports like table tennis and football are my go-to stress busters – there’s something undeniably therapeutic about the sound of a ball hitting the sweet spot. I’m also an avid spectator, whether it’s cheering on a local high school match or getting swept up in the energy of a professional sports event.

But my passion doesn’t stop at the sidelines. I’m a voracious reader when it comes to anything sports-related, devouring articles and insights like a hungry striker eyeing the goal. Sports documentaries? You bet. They’re my window into the behind-the-scenes drama and dedication that drive athletes to greatness. And of course, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of commanding my own virtual team in games like PES and FIFA – it’s a different kind of victory dance altogether.

So, whether it’s chasing after a ball on the pitch, getting lost in the pages of a sports narrative, or perfecting that penalty kick on Playstation, I’m all in. Life, some say it’s a game, and I’m here to play it with unmatched enthusiasm, boundless curiosity, and a love for all things sports. Join me on this exhilarating journey, subscribe to the blog, follow on social media, and let’s score some unforgettable experiences together.

Cheers to the thrill of the game and the stories it weaves βš½πŸ†πŸ₯‡,

Femi-Cypher πŸ”°